Unofficial Listing of the Soaring Society of America Awards and Badges: Silver Badges for 2015

The info has all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos.   Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

The Silver Badge is intended to develop the self-reliance of the new soaring pilot.   Earning the Silver Badge requires that the pilot complete a flight over a straight course of at least 50 km, an altitude gain of at least 1,000 meters, and a duration flight of at least five hours.

6987 David Sherrill
6964 Scott Gross
6963 Peter Lipa
6962 James Murray
6961 Uwe Dhabi
6960 Leonard Beriotti
6959 Benjamin Pagano
6958 Jack Knopinski
6957 Matt Gonitzke
6955 Andrew Brayer
6954 Kelvyn Flavall

2014 2014 Silver Badges TOC Silver Badges Table of Contents 2016 2016 Silver Badges

Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.

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