Unofficial Listing of the Soaring Society of America Awards and Badges: Silver Badges for 1947

The info has all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos.   Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

The Silver Badge is intended to develop the self-reliance of the new soaring pilot.   Earning the Silver Badge requires that the pilot complete a flight over a straight course of at least 50 km, an altitude gain of at least 1,000 meters, and a duration flight of at least five hours.

 103 Delbert W. Miller
 102 William S. Ivans
 101 J. David Malkemus
 100 Frank Suvaneck
  99 Albert A. Backstrom
  98 Joe Z. Stasneck
  97 John E. Loufek
  96 Joe S. Irvine
  95 Bernard M. Carris
  94 Fritz Sebek
  93 Paul F. Bikle
  92 William E. Frutchy
  91 Betty M. Loufek²
  90 David C. Johnson
  89 David R. Boone
  88 Alcide Santilli
  87 Robert A. Sparling
  86 Virginia M. Bennis Schweizer²
  85 James W. Simmons, Jr.
  84 Kana L. Darling
  83 Gerald A. Casey
  82 Ralph A. Watkins
  81 Edwin J. Reeves
  80 Edward H. Replogle
  79 Walter J. Krohne
  78 William H. Coverdale, Jr.
  77 Laurence D. Ely
  76 Kemp Trager
  75 Frederick J. Brittain
  74 Wallace R. Wiberg
  73 Myron L. Wells
  72 William R. Skinner
  71 Dallas Wise
  70 Guy B. Storer
  69 Donald H. Pollard
  68 Donald Barnard
  67 Paul B. MacCready, Jr.
  66 A.F. Donovan
  65 Paul W. Souder
  64 Robert C. Kidder
  63 Walter H. White
  62 George E. Tabery
  61 Dwight W. Pierce


1946 1946 Silver Badges TOC Silver Badges Table of Contents 1949 1949 Silver Badges

Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.

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