Unofficial Listing of the Soaring Society of America Awards and Badges: Diamond Badges for 2008

The info has all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos.   Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

The highest FAI Badge is the completion of the three diamond legs for the Diamond Badge.   One leg of this badge is to attain a Diamond Distance Flight of at least 500 km.   A Diamond Goal Flight of at least 300 km over an out-and-return or triangle course, flown in the designated sequence constitutes another leg of this badge.   The third leg is a Diamond Height gain of at least 5000 meters.   The pilots listed below are the holders of a Diamond Badge.

The number in parentheses is the international number assigned by the F.A.I.

 989 Shannon R. Madsen
 988 Michael J. Brooks
 987 Roger Harris
 986 Wolf-Dietrich Weber
 985 Sarah Kelley²
 984 Raymond B. Kleber (7106)
 983 Elliot P. Quick, Jr. (7101)
 982 Linwood Stevenson


2007 2007 Diamond Badges TOC Diamond Badges Table of Contents 2009 2009 Diamond Badges

Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.

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