The highest FAI Badge is the
completion of the three diamond legs for the Diamond Badge.
One leg of this badge is to attain a Diamond Distance Flight of at
least 500 km. A Diamond Goal Flight of at least 300 km over
an out-and-return or triangle course, flown in the designated sequence
constitutes another leg of this badge. The third leg is a
Diamond Height gain of at least 5000 meters. The pilots
listed below are the holders of a Diamond Badge.
The number in parentheses is the international number assigned by the F.A.I.
542 John W. Hammond (3438) 541 Patrick W. Wilson (3405) 540 Stephen R. Zimmermann (3404) 539 David G. Winchell (3402) 538 Anthony G. Lauck (3403) |
537 Dennis R. Galotti (3401) 536 Beuford Nelson Willis (3398) 535 Robert M. McKay (3397) 534 Herb Levitin (3396) 533 Ben W. Badenoch (3395) |
532 T. Darryl Hickey (3393) 531 Hal Lawrence (3384) 530 Bruce L. Helvie (3383) 529 Lloyd P. Hunter (3382) |
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