++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + Control points for Tarbes, France + + + + Contributed by Association Velivole de Tarbes + + Contributed on 18 December, 2000 + + + + Formatted for the world-wide version of the software + + + + Last updated Sunday, 04 August 2002 at 01:46 GMT + + + + >>>>>>>>>> UNOFFICIAL, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<< + + + + Always consult the relevant publications + + for current and correct information. This + + service is provided free of charge with + + no warrantees, expressed or implied. + + User assumes all risk of use. + + + + Rename this file to TURNPTS.DAT to use with your Glide Navigator. + +Delete all of the header lines in this box, down to and including the next one+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1, AignanEglis, 43, 41.92, 0, 5.08 2, AiguillonGr, 44, 17.97, 0, 20.12 3, Ainsa Ville, 42, 24.87, 0, 9.13, 617 4, Alquezar, 42, 10.4, 0, 1.73 5, AmouChateau, 43, 35.72, -0, -44.7 6, Anso, 42, 45.35, -0, -49.68 7, Argeles, 42, 59.4, -0, -6.95 8, Arhansus, 43, 4.38, -1, -1.52 9, Arneguy, 43, 6.58, -1, -17.07 10, Arthez, 43, 28.08, -0, -36.87 11, Arudy Vlg, 43, 6.28, -0, -26.28 12, Arzacq, 43, 32.28, -0, -24.7 13, Aspet Vlg, 43, 0.93, 0, 47.93 14, Astaffor, 44, 3.9, 0, 39.23 15, Aubisque, 42, 59.0, -0, -18.42 16, Aulus, 42, 47.63, 1, 20.0 17, BancaAldds, 43, 7.57, -1, -22.47 18, BaqueirBrt, 42, 41.68, 0, 58.03 19, Barlonguer, 42, 47.27, 1, 0.0 20, Bassoues, 43, 34.85, 0, 14.83 21, Bazas, 44, 25.88, -0, -12.57 22, Baztan, 43, 8.2, -1, -30.53 23, BemntdLmgn, 43, 53.07, 0, 59.28 24, Bedous Za, 42, 59.12, -0, -36.6 25, BelinBelit, 44, 30.0, -0, -47.25, 52 26, Bensque, 42, 36.37, 0, 31.5 27, Berdun, 42, 36.27, -0, -51.43 28, Bielsa, 42, 38.15, 0, 13.18 29, Biescas, 42, 37.85, -0, -19.5 30, Biran, 43, 41.8, 0, 25.03 31, Bourriot, 44, 7.6, -0, -14.87 32, CahorsGare, 44, 26.92, 1, 25.98 33, Caldearens, 42, 24.33, -0, -30.82 34, Campo Za, 42, 24.5, 0, 24.55 35, Campsegret, 44, 56.13, 0, 33.6 36, Cnfrncstcn, 42, 45.2, -0, -31.43 37, Canson, 44, 32.22, 0, 37.43 38, Captieux, 44, 17.57, -0, -15.48 39, Castera, 43, 48.37, 0, 25.98 40, CstllnlBtl, 44, 51.2, -0, -3.0 41, Casteljalx, 44, 19.0, 0, 4.6 42, CstlntMntr, 44, 15.95, 1, 21.25 43, Castet, 43, 53.0, -1, -8.3 44, Castillnns, 44, 39.25, 0, 35.5 45, Cazals, 44, 38.72, 1, 13.37 46, Cazaubon, 43, 56.13, -0, -4.15 47, CazereGare, 43, 12.5, 1, 5.17, 247 48, Colayrac, 44, 14.17, 0, 33.88 49, CondatVezr, 45, 7.17, 1, 13.3, 153 50, CndmCthdrl, 43, 57.72, 0, 22.62 51, Confolens, 46, 0.08, 0, 40.55 52, C Core, 42, 52.08, 1, 6.25 53, Crendrmgnc, 43, 59.75, -0, -6.3 54, Creon, 44, 46.73, -0, -20.73 55, Dondas, 44, 15.2, 0, 50.4 56, Durancegls, 44, 9.82, 0, 9.72 57, Duras, 44, 40.63, 0, 11.12 58, Durban, 43, 32.42, 0, 34.72 59, Eauze, 43, 51.67, 0, 6.13, 115 60, El Grado, 42, 8.57, 0, 13.08 61, Escalona, 42, 30.03, 0, 8.7 62, EsterridAn, 42, 36.72, 1, 7.9 63, Eugenie, 43, 41.82, -0, -22.7 64, Eymet, 44, 40.08, 0, 23.8 65, FleurancGr, 43, 51.12, 0, 39.4 66, Francescas, 44, 3.9, 0, 25.7 67, Fryssntgls, 44, 39.7, 1, 29.1 68, Fronsac Za, 42, 57.83, 0, 38.98 69, Gabarret, 43, 59.2, 0, 0.68 70, Garlin, 43, 33.83, -0, -16.5 71, Geaune, 43, 38.0, -0, -22.75 72, Genos Za, 42, 48.17, 0, 24.28, 1582 73, Gimont, 43, 37.62, 0, 52.67 74, Gondrin, 43, 53.32, 0, 14.27 75, Grauss Za, 42, 14.32, 0, 21.42 76, GrenadeAdr, 43, 46.5, -0, -25.48 77, Grignols, 44, 23.67, -0, -2.5 78, Guaso, 42, 26.05, 0, 5.47 79, Guitres, 45, 2.55, -0, -11.1 80, HagetmauGr, 43, 39.53, -0, -34.98 81, Hontanx, 43, 49.55, -0, -16.18 82, Houillsgls, 44, 11.48, 0, 2.02 83, HuescaArns, 42, 8.55, -0, -24.43 84, Ipies Za, 42, 26.32, -0, -25.38 85, IssigcBrrg, 44, 41.92, 0, 37.6 86, JacaEglise, 42, 34.52, -0, -32.9 87, Javier Za, 42, 28.71, -0, -4.15 88, Lbstddrmgn, 43, 58.12, -0, -11.07 89, LabastdMrt, 44, 38.88, 1, 34.05 90, Labouheyre, 44, 12.78, -0, -55.05 91, Labrit, 44, 6.43, -0, -32.68 92, Labatut, 43, 33.18, -0, -59.0 93, Lafrancais, 44, 7.8, 1, 14.53 94, Lalinde, 44, 50.22, 0, 44.33 95, Laluque, 43, 51.27, -0, -59.5 96, Lannepax, 43, 48.15, 0, 13.65 97, LangonGare, 44, 33.32, -0, -15.33 98, Lannemezan, 43, 7.47, 0, 23.02 99, LaRochChls, 45, 9.13, 0, 0.52 100, Laree, 43, 54.48, -0, -2.95 101, LrqThmblt, 44, 17.07, 0, 45.77 102, Lauzerte, 44, 15.53, 1, 8.25 103, Lavardac, 44, 10.85, 0, 17.83 104, Lavarden, 43, 45.73, 0, 30.85 105, Lavit, 43, 57.62, 0, 55.25 106, PicdeLyns, 43, 1.5, -0, -39.82 107, AinsaLacZ, 42, 21.33, 0, 10.75, 589 108, Barbastrr, 42, 0.93, 0, 5.77, 450 109, Benabarer, 42, 1.27, 0, 28.85, 770 110, BinefarAr, 41, 51.3, 0, 14.9, 386 111, CstjndMnr, 41, 36.58, -0, -13.0, 371 112, Alp Aero, 42, 23.18, 1, 51.77, 1093 113, LectourGr, 43, 55.85, 0, 36.88 114, Montflrtr, 42, 4.95, -0, -19.47, 540 115, Le Houga, 43, 46.53, -0, -10.7 116, IgualdaAr, 41, 35.5, 1, 37.55, 350 117, Jaca Aero, 42, 34.27, -0, -43.65, 755 118, Lembeye, 43, 27.03, -0, -6.43 119, Le Poteau, 44, 11.3, -0, -16.2 120, LermtMsst, 44, 19.72, -0, -9.63 121, LesValdrn, 42, 49.07, 0, 42.93 122, Sanguesar, 42, 33.93, -1, -17.07, 460 123, Seoderglr, 42, 20.38, 1, 24.62, 800 124, LstlBthrr, 43, 7.93, -0, -12.68 125, VllnvGllg, 41, 16.43, -0, -51.07 126, Brouquet, 44, 38.0, -0, -23.0, 60 127, CabanacAr, 44, 37.0, -0, -35.0, 58 128, Cadillacr, 44, 38.0, -0, -20.0, 56 129, CazereAdr, 43, 45.73, -0, -18.95, 78 130, DunesAero, 44, 6.3, 0, 46.3, 84 131, FleureAer, 44, 21.83, -0, -17.18 132, Fourquesr, 44, 27.98, 0, 9.68, 44 133, HstnsChmp, 44, 30.0, -0, -47.07, 52 134, Issigeacr, 44, 41.92, 0, 37.6 135, LalindeAr, 44, 52.52, 0, 44.48, 131 136, LioracAer, 44, 55.08, 0, 38.45, 108 137, Montendrr, 45, 16.43, -0, -27.13, 46 138, Monpezatr, 44, 21.93, 0, 29.53, 71 139, Pressgncr, 44, 54.0, 0, 44.55, 120 140, StJulienr, 44, 45.48, 0, 26.55, 64 141, StPierrer, 44, 40.18, -0, -13.27, 52 142, SembasAer, 44, 20.07, 0, 38.52, 76 143, Septfondr, 44, 10.62, 1, 32.38 144, SeychesAr, 44, 33.45, 0, 19.18, 52 145, TremonsAr, 44, 24.3, 0, 53.3, 104 146, ValeuilAr, 45, 19.4, 0, 38.17, 126 147, Vendoirer, 45, 25.2, 0, 16.57, 118 148, Verteuilr, 44, 28.0, 0, 25.0, 65 149, Villetonr, 44, 21.83, 0, 17.18, 58 150, Aner ULM, 43, 4.97, 0, 27.98, 441 151, Augignacr, 45, 33.0, 0, 42.0, 218 152, BazasAero, 44, 28.0, -0, -13.0 153, Berdouesr, 43, 28.23, 0, 23.55, 198 154, Bretagner, 43, 53.57, 0, 8.57, 115 155, CstlnMgnc, 43, 16.75, 0, 31.17, 299 156, IslenDdnr, 43, 23.5, 0, 50.76 157, CazerGrnn, 43, 12.0, 1, 2.67, 247 158, Lasclavrr, 43, 26.08, -0, -16.53, 200 159, Sadournnr, 43, 19.52, 0, 25.08 160, SvtrrrBrn, 43, 28.42, 0, 4.7 161, Loarre, 42, 19.78, -0, -37.78 162, Lubbon, 44, 6.38, -0, -1.6 163, Luxey, 44, 15.87, -0, -31.07 164, Luzech, 44, 28.78, 1, 17.17 165, Madiran, 43, 33.17, -0, -3.5 166, Magescq, 43, 46.97, -1, -12.97 167, Marciac, 43, 31.53, 0, 9.7 168, Mareuil, 45, 27.03, 0, 27.2 169, Marguero, 44, 45.83, 0, 14.93 170, Masseube, 43, 25.5, 0, 34.67 171, Maubourgt, 43, 28.13, 0, 2.08, 266 172, Mauvezin, 43, 43.7, 0, 52.5 173, Mezin, 44, 3.6, 0, 15.2 174, Mielan, 43, 25.82, 0, 18.38 175, Mirande, 43, 30.9, 0, 24.23 176, MrmntGynn, 44, 36.12, 0, 21.72 177, Miradoux, 44, 0.02, 0, 45.33 178, MnbyrCntr, 45, 19.52, 0, 4.53 179, MnfrtnChl, 43, 42.78, -0, -50.25 180, Monpzrgls, 44, 40.83, 0, 53.67 181, MontgnnPc, 43, 1.98, -0, -30.82 182, Montreal, 43, 57.15, 0, 12.17 183, Montpont, 45, 0.63, 0, 9.67 184, Motcenx, 44, 2.0, -0, -54.5 185, Mussidan, 45, 2.2, 0, 21.77 186, PicdMdNrd, 42, 58.58, 0, 8.52 187, Negreplss, 44, 4.55, 1, 31.32 188, Neuvic, 45, 6.08, 0, 28.17 189, Niaux, 42, 48.85, 1, 35.07 190, NorddeVll, 42, 44.05, 0, 47.82 191, Orthez, 43, 29.3, -0, -46.0 192, Pellegrue, 44, 44.68, 0, 4.48 193, Pissos, 44, 18.62, -0, -46.72 194, Plasncgls, 43, 36.28, 0, 2.78 195, Plan, 42, 34.67, 0, 20.27 196, PobladSgr, 42, 14.85, 0, 58.38 197, Pomarez, 43, 37.93, -0, -49.77 198, Pons, 45, 34.57, -0, -32.92, 37 199, Pontenx, 44, 14.65, -1, -7.18 200, PontdeSrt, 42, 25.47, 0, 43.98 201, CPortilln, 42, 45.9, 0, 42.8 202, Pouyastrc, 43, 16.33, 0, 10.0 203, Prayssas, 44, 17.42, 0, 30.58 204, Prechac, 44, 24.0, -0, -21.1 205, PortdAula, 42, 46.15, 1, 6.58 206, PuyPntLvq, 44, 30.37, 1, 8.3 207, Puyoo, 43, 31.88, -0, -55.07 208, Riglos, 42, 18.87, -0, -43.98 209, Riscle, 43, 39.48, -0, -5.12 210, Sabinanig, 42, 30.35, -0, -21.22 211, Sabres, 44, 8.98, -0, -44.35 212, SalsdPllr, 42, 12.68, 0, 57.33 213, Saldias, 43, 7.17, -1, -52.38 214, Samatan, 43, 29.38, 0, 55.52 215, Samadet, 43, 38.1, -0, -29.15 216, SanEstebn, 43, 8.17, -1, -39.5 217, SvtrrGynn, 44, 41.57, -0, -5.15 218, CapdelaPc, 42, 49.48, 0, 47.55 219, Sigoules, 44, 45.52, 0, 24.55, 64 220, Sore, 44, 19.3, -0, -35.0 221, Sort, 42, 23.22, 1, 7.08 222, Sos, 44, 2.63, 0, 8.4 223, Souprosse, 43, 47.4, -0, -42.47 224, St Astier, 45, 8.77, 0, 31.68 225, St Beat, 42, 54.55, 0, 41.48 226, StBrtrndd, 43, 1.62, 0, 34.22 227, St Clar, 43, 53.68, 0, 46.12 228, StCyprien, 44, 52.2, 1, 2.5 229, SteLivrad, 44, 24.05, 0, 35.3 230, StGdnsgls, 43, 6.55, 0, 43.58 231, StJnPddPr, 43, 10.02, -1, -14.37 232, Saint Pe, 43, 6.23, -0, -9.7 233, St Puy, 43, 52.75, 0, 27.68 234, St Sever, 43, 45.72, -0, -34.2 235, StSymphrn, 44, 26.0, -0, -29.5 236, Tarascon, 42, 50.7, 1, 36.15 237, Tartas, 43, 50.07, -0, -48.25 238, Thenon, 45, 8.28, 1, 4.27 239, Tolosa, 43, 3.35, -2, -10.3 240, Tonneins, 44, 23.55, 0, 18.65, 58 241, TriesurBs, 43, 19.35, 0, 22.23 242, Valencdgn, 44, 6.63, 0, 53.33 243, Vergt, 45, 1.65, 0, 42.85 244, VicFeznsc, 43, 45.58, 0, 18.15 245, VillVldrn, 42, 42.15, 0, 47.82 246, Viela, 43, 36.03, -0, -8.33 247, EstViellr, 42, 50.15, 0, 24.83 248, Vllfrnchd, 44, 56.92, 0, 3.45 249, VllnvdMrs, 43, 53.65, -0, -18.28 250, Villefran, 44, 37.88, 1, 4.72 251, Villereal, 44, 38.28, 0, 44.6 252, Yesa, 42, 35.83, -1, -3.87 253, Tarbes, 43, 12.97, 0, 4.68, 329