;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; + ; Adolfo Gonzales Chaves, Argentina + ; + ; 2o FAI Pan-American Championship, 2017 + ; + ; User Specified Waypoints formatted for EWView II and EWView III + ; + ; Contributed by Sergio Solfa + ; + ; Generated Friday, 01 December 2017 at 04:48 GMT + ; Symbol = 01 for code L 1 ; Symbol = 02 for code R 1 ; Symbol = 03 for codes L & R 1 ; Symbol = 04 for code t 1 ; Symbol = 05 otherwise 1 ; + ; >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USE AT YOUR OWN RISK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< + ; All data and information contained in these data files are provided without + ; guarantee as to their completeness or correctness. Any conclusions drawn + ; from these data and information are the sole responsibility of the user. + ; + ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "Otto Ballod" "OTTBLL" "Finish" "S3801.767" "W06008.133" "Cuatro Esquinas" "CTRSQN" "Start" "S3804.300" "W06002.667" "Estancia el Bagual" "ESTNCL" "Start" "S3758.267" "W06005.083" "Estancia Las Lomas" "ESTNCL" "Start" "S3807.400" "W06004.317" "Lago del Corazon" "LGDLCR" "Start" "S3803.867" "W06011.183" "Puente de Madera" "PNTDMD" "Start" "S3758.933" "W06009.533" "Rotonda Este" "RTNDST" "Start" "S3803.300" "W06003.867" "Puente el Mojon" "PNTLMJ" "Start" "S3803.267" "W06014.150" "Arroyo Corto" "ARRCRT" "_" "S3730.700" "W06218.517" "Acceso Indio Rico R85" "ACCSND" "_" "S3813.783" "W06048.083" "Aerodromo Azul" "ADAZUL" "123.5" "S3650.233" "W05952.883" "Aerodromo Juarez" "ADJURZ" "123.5" "S3742.367" "W05947.517" "Aerodromo Laprida" "ADLPRD" "123.5" "S3731.233" "W06046.800" "Aerodromo San Cayetano" "ADSNCT" "123.5" "S3820.050" "W05937.833" "Alzaga" "ALZAGA" "_" "S3751.583" "W05958.350" "Aparicio" "APARIC" "_" "S3837.333" "W06053.100" "ArroyoCristianoMuertCm" "ARRCRS" "_" "S3809.383" "W05953.217" "Arroyo Los Huesos" "ARRLSH" "_" "S3701.217" "W05933.783" "Azucena" "AZUCEN" "_" "S3729.467" "W05917.650" "Balanza" "BALANZ" "_" "S3806.150" "W06012.967" "Balcarce" "BALCRC" "_" "S3750.000" "W05815.767" "Barker" "BARKER" "_" "S3738.283" "W05923.383" "Barrow" "BARROW" "_" "S3818.783" "W06013.867" "Bordenave" "BORDNV" "_" "S3748.217" "W06302.333" "Bunge" "BUNGE" "_" "S3734.417" "W06008.250" "Claudio Molina" "CLDMLN" "_" "S3805.400" "W06020.933" "CP Tandil" "CPTNDL" "123.5" "S3720.933" "W05859.133" "CP Tres Arroyos" "CPTRSR" "123.5" "S3823.167" "W06019.367" "Cabildo" "CABILD" "_" "S3828.650" "W06153.483" "Cascallares" "CSCLLR" "_" "S3829.750" "W06027.967" "Cerro 3 Picos" "CRR3PC" "_" "S3809.600" "W06157.167" "Cerro Curamaral" "CRRCRM" "_" "S3743.333" "W06214.033" "Chillar" "CHILLR" "_" "S3718.717" "W05958.683" "Claraz" "CLARAZ" "_" "S3753.633" "W05917.117" "Coronel Dorrego" "CRNLDR" "_" "S3843.167" "W06117.117" "Coronel Suarez" "CRNLSR" "_" "S3727.633" "W06155.933" "Crotto" "CROTTO" "_" "S3633.250" "W06010.167" "Cruce Camino Ent CamT" "CRCCMN" "_" "S3804.783" "W05947.050" "Cruce R 228 / R 73" "CRCR22" "_" "S3826.217" "W06009.483" "Cruce R 51 / R 76" "CRCR51" "_" "S3725.583" "W06104.167" "Cruce R 86 / R 80" "CRCR86" "_" "S3808.200" "W05914.283" "Darregueira" "DARRGR" "_" "S3741.250" "W06309.200" "De Ferrari" "DEFRRR" "_" "S3818.100" "W05923.483" "De La Garma" "DELGRM" "_" "S3757.850" "W06024.567" "Descalzi" "DESCLZ" "_" "S3826.483" "W06059.000" "Dieciseis de Julio" "DCSSDJ" "_" "S3712.100" "W06010.167" "DOrbigny" "DORBGN" "_" "S3740.433" "W06142.517" "Ducos" "DUCOS" "_" "S3727.217" "W06225.250" "Dufaur" "DUFAUR" "_" "S3756.767" "W06217.183" "Duranona" "DURANN" "_" "S3715.467" "W06030.167" "Estancia Acelain" "ESTNCC" "_" "S3715.617" "W05937.450" "Estancia el Alamo" "ESTANC" "_" "S3749.767" "W05924.750" "Estancia Las Praderas" "ESTANI" "_" "S3812.917" "W06026.667" "Estancia Quillauquen" "ESTNCQ" "_" "S3729.267" "W06029.483" "El Divisorio" "ELDVSR" "_" "S3819.000" "W06126.567" "El Fachinal" "ELFCHN" "_" "S3751.300" "W06039.900" "El Luchador" "ELLCHD" "_" "S3719.217" "W06017.583" "El Mauleon" "ELMALN" "_" "S3743.500" "W06033.117" "El Pensamiento" "ELPNSM" "_" "S3813.033" "W06118.750" "El Zorro" "ELZORR" "_" "S3833.250" "W06105.000" "Empalme Querandies" "EMPLMQ" "_" "S3700.650" "W06023.633" "Escuela 22" "ESCL22" "_" "S3804.017" "W05952.417" "Escuela 18" "ESCL18" "_" "S3753.317" "W06003.117" "Escuelita" "ESCULT" "_" "S3759.217" "W05955.100" "Espartillar" "ESPRTL" "_" "S3721.600" "W06226.067" "Estomba" "ESTOMB" "_" "S3820.950" "W06148.200" "Fabrica Militar" "FBRCML" "_" "S3700.183" "W05945.017" "Felipe Sola" "FELPSL" "_" "S3800.683" "W06249.100" "Fulton" "FULTON" "_" "S3725.100" "W05848.150" "Garcia del Rio" "GRCDLR" "_" "S3821.783" "W06212.317" "Gardey" "GARDEY" "_" "S3717.633" "W05921.717" "Gavina" "GAVINA" "_" "S3726.683" "W06002.083" "General La Madrid" "GNRLLM" "_" "S3715.333" "W06115.867" "Guisasola" "GUISSL" "_" "S3840.317" "W06105.000" "Hinojo" "HINOJO" "_" "S3651.767" "W06009.617" "Indio Rico" "INDIRC" "_" "S3819.667" "W06053.500" "Iraola" "IRAOLA" "_" "S3715.583" "W05854.767" "Irene" "IRENE" "_" "S3833.250" "W06041.567" "Jasinto Araoz" "JSNTRZ" "_" "S3805.450" "W06325.733" "Juan E Barra" "JUNBRR" "_" "S3749.283" "W06028.817" "Juan Fernandez" "JNFRNN" "_" "S3800.567" "W05915.700" "Krabbe" "KRABBE" "_" "S3747.300" "W06108.467" "La Argentina" "LRGNTN" "_" "S3755.150" "W06031.633" "La Colina" "LACOLN" "_" "S3721.567" "W06132.517" "La Dulce" "LADULC" "_" "S3816.717" "W05912.550" "La Florentina" "LFLRNT" "_" "S3748.983" "W06051.050" "La Negra" "LANEGR" "_" "S3747.667" "W05919.000" "La Numancia" "LANMNC" "_" "S3743.483" "W05905.583" "La Sortija" "LASRTJ" "_" "S3806.667" "W06041.333" "Lartigau" "LARTIG" "_" "S3826.750" "W06133.967" "Las Hermanas" "LSHRMN" "_" "S3737.000" "W06052.667" "Las Martinetas" "LSMRTN" "_" "S3711.800" "W06107.433" "Las Mostazas" "LSMSTZ" "_" "S3816.217" "W06121.100" "Las Vaquerias" "LSVQRS" "_" "S3812.717" "W06016.983" "Lasalle" "LASALL" "_" "S3759.183" "W06034.933" "Lastra" "LASTRA" "_" "S3724.700" "W06116.800" "Libano" "LIBANO" "_" "S3732.167" "W06117.383" "Lopez" "LOPEZ" "_" "S3733.250" "W05937.450" "Lumb" "LUMB" "_" "S3812.850" "W05919.150" "Matienzo" "MATINZ" "_" "S3754.667" "W05854.767" "Munos" "MUNOS" "_" "S3704.650" "W06046.067" "Napaleofu" "NAPALF" "_" "S3738.017" "W05844.767" "Ochandio" "OCHAND" "_" "S3821.450" "W05947.217" "Olavarria" "OLAVRR" "_" "S3653.817" "W06018.617" "Paraguil" "PARAGL" "_" "S3741.967" "W06059.000" "Paraje el Chapar" "PRJLCH" "_" "S3801.700" "W05938.817" "Paraje la Virginia" "PRJLVR" "_" "S3805.283" "W06102.633" "Parish" "PARISH" "_" "S3631.117" "W05937.900" "Peaje" "PEAJE" "_" "S3832.700" "W06032.100" "Pelicura" "PELICR" "_" "S3811.633" "W06241.417" "Peralta" "PERALT" "_" "S3803.417" "W06140.033" "Piguee" "PIGUEE" "_" "S3736.050" "W06224.683" "Pillahuinco" "PLLHNC" "_" "S3805.833" "W06121.100" "Pineyro" "PINEYR" "_" "S3725.350" "W06144.083" "Pontaut" "PONTAT" "_" "S3744.183" "W06119.433" "Pringles" "PRNGLS" "_" "S3757.783" "W06122.083" "Puente R 76 / S Grande" "PNTR76" "_" "S3753.850" "W06154.583" "Puente R 85 / Q Salado" "PNTR85" "_" "S3815.083" "W06044.500" "Puan" "PUAN" "_" "S3732.883" "W06246.100" "Puente R 86" "PNTR86" "_" "S3754.850" "W05932.650" "R75ArroyoCristianoMurt" "R75RRC" "_" "S3813.900" "W05950.083" "Reserva" "RESERV" "_" "S3749.617" "W06112.950" "Roldan" "ROLDAN" "_" "S3743.133" "W06019.417" "Rotonda R 3 / R 86" "RTNDR3" "_" "S3738.883" "W05951.550" "Rotonda R 51 / R 72" "RTNDR5" "_" "S3820.117" "W06136.550" "Rotonda R 51 / R 86" "ROTOND" "_" "S3722.750" "W06059.167" "Rotonda R 85 / R 76" "RTNDR8" "_" "S3746.467" "W06142.733" "RotondaEstancialaSonad" "ROTONA" "_" "S3709.283" "W05957.017" "Sierra de la Ventana" "SRRDLV" "_" "S3808.567" "W06147.350" "Saavedra" "SAAVDR" "_" "S3745.783" "W06221.133" "Saldungaray" "SLDNGR" "_" "S3812.417" "W06146.483" "San German" "SNGRMN" "_" "S3818.267" "W06258.467" "San Jorge" "SANJRG" "_" "S3713.733" "W06057.667" "San Jose" "SANJOS" "_" "S3810.517" "W05900.550" "San Mayol" "SANMAL" "_" "S3818.933" "W06001.367" "San Roman" "SANRMN" "_" "S3844.550" "W06131.583" "Santa Elena" "SANTLN" "_" "S3720.733" "W06036.200" "Santa Luisa" "SANTLS" "_" "S3707.550" "W06024.600" "Shaw" "SHAW" "_" "S3637.617" "W05943.600" "Sierras Bayas" "SRRSBS" "_" "S3656.150" "W06009.600" "Silos R 75" "SLSR75" "_" "S3810.750" "W05954.783" "Stegman" "STEGMN" "_" "S3759.383" "W06132.633" "Tapalque" "TAPALQ" "_" "S3621.933" "W06001.500" "Tedin Uriburu" "TDNRBR" "_" "S3722.067" "W05945.883" "Tornquist" "TRNQST" "_" "S3806.167" "W06214.200" "Tres Picos" "TRSPCS" "_" "S3817.350" "W06212.583" "Vazquez" "VAZQUZ" "_" "S3810.733" "W06010.417" "Vela" "VELA" "_" "S3724.217" "W05930.850" "Voluntad" "VOLNTD" "_" "S3726.950" "W06040.567"