Soaring Magazine Index for 1952 organized by subject

The contents have all been re-entered by hand, so there are going to be typos and confusion between author and subject, etc...
Please send along any corrections and suggestions for improvement.

A, C, G, H, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, Y


A. Raspet, The sailplane in aerodynamic research, March-April, page 3
Technical conference held at the nationals, September-October, page 15
B. Carmichael and G. Storer, Quickie modification of 1-19 primary accomplished at Mississippi State, November-December, page 6
Affiliates, Chapters, and Clubs
E.J. Reeves, A summer's tale, January-February, page 10
F.H. Matteson, Our club "works", May-June, page 16
M.M. Waghorn, News of clubs and members, May-June, page 32
W.B. Klemperer, US soaring enthusiasts visit Austria, Yugoslavia, November-December, page 9
$1,000 distance award offered at Elmira, November-December, page 8
W.S. Ivans, Jr., 322 miles, November-December, page 2
P.F. Bikle, Paul Bikle joins Diamond C elite, November-December, page 9

C     (up to table of contents)

D.A. Shenstone, January-February, page 21
D.A. Shenstone, Soaring Association of Canada holds annual general meeting, March-April, page 16
B. Fleming, Canada's national, September-October, page 13
Civil Aeronautic Authority
P.F. Bikle, Civil air regulations for glider pilots, March-April, page 18
G.E. Haddaway, Congratulations, SSA, March-April, page 11
F.J. Sweet, Report of the fifth session of the Conference of National Aviation Organizations, March-April, page 20
Competition Flights
R.H. Johnson, Dick Johnson's story, September-October, page 10
J. Spurgeon, 6th annual mid-winter championships, Torrey Pines, San Diego, March-April, page 8
19th US national soaring competition to be in Texas, March-April, page 9
R.T. White, American participation In the internationals?, March-April, page 10
19th National - Rules and Regulations Results of poll, March-April, page 14
J.D. Carsey, Industry, publication, aviation enthusiasts support SSA's appeal, May-June, page 2
E.J. Reeves, SSA to send six top performers to Spain, May-June, page 2
Aeronautics Commission to send Johnson to international, May-June, page 5
W.H. Coverdale, Jr., Some thoughts on contest flying, July-August, page 20
Paul Schweizer and 1-24; Doug Bradley, Youngest Contestant, September-October, Cover
19th National - Statistics Here's your complete contest at a glance, September-October, page 3
picture story, Youth flew at the 19th, September-October, page 6
picture story, Guys, gals and gliders, September-October, page 8
E. Yerian, 19th National Color of the contest, September-October, page 10
Northeastern states contest, September-October, page 14
R. Todd, 19th National - Crewing for a champion, November-December, page 3
W.S. Ivans, Jr., 322 miles, November-December, page 2
Fifth mid-west soaring contest, July-August, page 8
J.E. Loufek, West coast soaring championship, July-August, page 10
The 19th national, September-October, page 2
America was there!, July-August, page 1
J.D. Carsey, From deep in Texas to deeper at Cuatros Vientos, July-August, page 2
W. Setz, The 1952 world soaring championships, July-August, page 4
F. Hoinville, Australian ace reports from Spain, July-August, page 7
W.H. Coverdale, America goes to Spain Aboard the S.S. Exochorda, July-August, Cover
E.J. Reeves, A summer's tale, January-February, page 10

G     (up to table of contents)

F.B. Lane, Germany starts back, January-February, page 4

H     (up to table of contents)

J.D. Carsey, The president's message, September-October, page 21
J.D. Carsey, The president's message, November-December, page 15
H.N. Perl, Military Gliders of World War II, January-February, page 12
Human-Powered Flight
A. Raspet, Unsolved - the problem of Leonardo da Vinci, May-June, page 18

I     (up to table of contents)

A. Raspet, Artificial Horizon Notice from OSTIV, January-February, page 3
J.D. Dure, Turning errors of vertical gyro instruments, May-June, page 20

L     (up to table of contents)

Airplane Towing
W. Stevenson, Rx for Dayton's towing bug, March-April, page 15
P.M. Bowers, Super-duper towplane, July-August, page 11
Winch Towing
C.J. Smith, The EASC winch, March-April, page 24
E. Krohne, Morning flight, May-June, page 26
W. Hirth, Twelve commands for soaring pilots, May-June, page 31
V. Carson, Frustration, May-June, page 35

M     (up to table of contents)

J. Kuettner, On the possibility of soaring on traveling waves in the jetstream, May-June, page 9
H.N. Perl, Military Gliders of World War II, January-February, page 12
Mississippi Aeronautics Commission
Aeronautics Commission to send Johnson to international, May-June, page 5
Mu 13D
D.A. Shenstone, January-February, page 21

N     (up to table of contents)

National Aeronautic Association
D.D. Webster, NAA invites SSA members to fuller participation in benefits, July-August, page 17

O     (up to table of contents)

W.B. Klemperer, Karl-Eric Ovgard, March-April, page 1

P     (up to table of contents)

Gehrleins; Girl, glider , tetrahedron, November-December, Cover
Bradley, D.
B. Carmichael and G. Storer, Quickie modification of 1-19 primary accomplished at Mississippi State, November-December, page 6
Hoinville, F.
F. Hoinville, Australian ace reports from Spain, July-August, page 7
Gehrlein, L.
$1,000 distance award offered at Elmira, November-December, page 8
Bikle, P.F.
P.F. Bikle, Paul Bikle joins Diamond C elite, November-December, page 9
Johnson, R.H.
Aeronautics Commission to send Johnson to international, May-June, page 5

R     (up to table of contents)

Radio Equipment
R.H. Ball, Radio for Gliders, January-February, page 6
J.D. Carsey, Avigator radios used by US team at internationals, September-October, page 25

S     (up to table of contents)

W. Wiberg, I musta done it wrong, January-February, page 2
W.B. Klemperer, Karl-Eric Ovgard, March-April, page 1
L.R. Arnold, Check 'em!, March-April, page 7
Paul Schweizer and 1-24; Doug Bradley, Youngest Contestant, September-October, Cover
J. Bierens, Sailplane N909D, May-June, page 6
F. Heberling and M. Swartzberg, Canopies for sailplanes, May-June, page 23
KIM-2 Stahanovec, January-February, page 16
Kirby Kadet
W.B. Klemperer, Karl-Eric Ovgard, March-April, page 1
W.B. Klemperer, US soaring enthusiasts visit Austria, Yugoslavia, November-December, page 9
The Olympia Eon, March-April, page 26
Schweizer SGS 1-19
B. Carmichael and G. Storer, Quickie modification of 1-19 primary accomplished at Mississippi State, November-December, page 6
Schweizer TG-2
J. Spurgeon, Flattopping the TG-2, January-February, page 17
V.W. Harris, The UMG III glider, January-February, page 18
Scientific Uses of Gliders
A. Raspet, The sailplane in aerodynamic research, March-April, page 3
E.J. Reeves, California, September-October, page 23
Soaring places and faces, picture story, November-December, page 4
E.J. Reeves, Washington State, November-December, page 12
Soaring Society of America
Annual mid-winter directors' meeting, March-April, page 12
P.H. Entz, Members! Members! Members!, May-June, page 4
J.D. Carsey, The president's message, September-October, page 21
'52-'53 SSA governors appointed, November-December, page 10
Mid-winter meeting to be in New York, November-December, page 10
J.D. Carsey, The president's message, November-December, page 15

T     (up to table of contents)

H.N. Perl, Military Gliders of World War II, January-February, page 12
W.G. Briegleb, Use of the rudder, May-June, page 30

U     (up to table of contents)

J.D. Carsey, Billions for the top, but what for popular goodwill?, May-June, page 1
KIM-2 Stahanovec, January-February, page 16

Y     (up to table of contents)

J.D. Carsey, Aviation and American youth, March-April, page 2
J. Spurgeon, American youth on the wing, May-June, page 21
J. Spurgeon, American youth on the wing, May-June, page 27
picture story, Youth flew at the 19th, September-October, page 6
Youth must fly!, September-October, page 28
Opinions invited, November-December, page 20
W.B. Klemperer, US soaring enthusiasts visit Austria, Yugoslavia, November-December, page 9

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Please contact John Leibacher with any suggestions concerning this material.