Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange

Airspace for Europe

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Austria [ 07 February 2017 ]

Belgium and Luxembourgcourtesy of the Liga van Vlaamse Zweefvliegclubs ] [ 16 July 2024 ] UPDATED

Bulgaria [ 22 July 2023 ]

Croatia [ 09 April 2013 ]

Czechiacourtesy of Jan Zahrádka ] [ Effective 25 April 2024, Release 07 August 2024 ] [ 09 August 2024 ] UPDATED

Denmarkcourtesy of Filipe Cvitanich ] [ Version 20250301, 01 March 2025 ] [ 02 March 2025 ] UPDATED

Estoniacourtesy of Cristoph Gauss ] [ 05 October 2016 ]

Finlandcourtesy of Juha Lindstedt ] [ 22 July 2022 ]

Francecourtesy of the French Gliding Association (Fédération Française de Vol en Planeur) ] [ 16/05/2024, Version 2024-07-02 ] [ 27 July 2024 ] UPDATED

Germanycourtesy of Peter Kemme ] [ 2024_06] [ 08 July 2024 ] UPDATED

Greececourtesy of Kostas Kiapekos ] [ 05 October 2016 ]

Hungarycourtesy of Károly Geráth ] [ 30 July 2024 ] UPDATED

Icelandcourtesy of Dániel H. Stefánsson ] [ 18 August 2023 ]

Irelandcourtesy of Kevin Houlihan ] [ 04 September 2024 ] UPDATED

Italycourtesy of Massimo Belloni ] [ Version 23-JAN-2025-2501 ] [ 15 February 2025 ] UPDATED

Latviacourtesy of Andrejs Kivackis ] [ 05 October 2016 ]

Lithuaniacourtesy of Andrejs Kivackis ] [ 05 October 2016 ]

Macedoniacourtesy of Remko Bolt ] [ 25 August 2018 ]

Netherlandscourtesy of Nico B ] [ 02 July 2024 ] UPDATED

Norway courtesy of Per Morten Løvsland, UTT ] [ 04 July 2024 ] UPDATED

Polandcourtesy of Ryszard Lewandowski ] [ 18 August 2024 ] UPDATED

Portugalcourtesy of Miguel Viana ] [ 27 May 2020 ]

Romaniacourtesy of Patrick Puskeiler and Scarlat Norbert  ] [ 01 June 2024 ] UPDATED

Russiacourtesy of Aleksey Spiridonov, on behalf of the Russian Gliding Federation ] [ 05 October 2016 ]

Sloveniacourtesy of Uros Krasovic ] [ 05 October 2016 ]

Slovakiacourtesy of Hrnčiřík via Zuzana Hrnčiříkova ]. [ 04 April 2024 ] UPDATED

Spaincourtesy of Lima Yanki ] [ 13 February 2025 ] UPDATED

Swedencourtesy of Christer Engdahl  ] [ Version 2024-November-28 ] [ 26 November 2024 ] UPDATED

Switzerlandcourtesy of SFVS-FSVV, Simon Gantner ] [version 2024 June 12 ] [ 15 June 2024 ] UPDATED

Ukraine courtesy of Olexander Novikov ] [ 18 July 2021 ]

United Kingdom [ 07 March 2025 ] UPDATED

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